Global Initiative on Out of School Children
Global Initiative on Out of School Children-- A Situational Study in India report released on August 29, 2014 at NUEPA (2011-14).
CORD worked in collaboration with UNICEF on “Global Initiative on Out of School Children- A Situational Study in India”. The project was for three years, from 2011 to 2014. The report was released at the data technical consultation meeting on August 29, 2014 at the National University of Educational Planning and Administration (NEUPA).. The Technical consultation meeting was organized in 26 countries, as a follow up to the Global Study on Out-of-School Children initiated by UNICEF and The UNESCO Institute for Statistic. The Consultation Meeting discussed the findings of the study, their policy relevance, definition and methodology to collect data and provides an opportunity to discuss the different definitions and methodologies used in estimating Out-of-School Children. Officials from MHRD, NUEPA, and State SSA also participated in the meeting and provided highlights on the report.