Past Research
- Role of MGNREGA as a safety net in post COVID times The research is part of a larger project conducted bySamaj PragatiSahayog (SPS), Dewas and members of the MGNREGA Consortium. It involves secondary data analysis and primary data collection in a number of states in which CSO partners of the Consortium have been working. The key research question is how well did MGNREGA performits role as a safety net during the COVID-19 pandemic.
For this study, CORD is collaborating with Dr Amit Basole and Dr Rajendran Narayanan of Azim Premji University, Bengaluru. The duration of this study is March – December 2021.
- Fellowships to improve National Schemes (FINS) is an effort designed to support activists and organisations working to improve NREGA and other public services. We have developed this programme in partnership with the Foundation for Ecological Security (FES) and are collaborating with them in 26 blocks across Rajasthan, Odisha and Andhra Pradesh. We are also collaborating with PRADAN in a few blocks of Jharkhand. Fellows will be nominated by the partners and supported by LibTech.
- COVID 2021 Interventions: Lib tech will be supporting village volunteers to ensure early screening and identification of COVID cases, ensuring timely medicines and treatment through PHCs, and also mobilise and motivate communities for testing and treatment and for vaccination.
In ITDA areas working with the government to help sending out audio messages to people using Libtech’s broadcast system and setting up helplines.
Lib tech had earlier helped in setting up helplines to support migrant workers stranded in different locations of the country. They want to continue these helplines in Andhra Pradesh, Telengana and Jharkhand.
- Gender Budgeting in Education in India Gender Budgeting in Education in India: In collaboration with National Institute of Public Finance and Policy, CORD is doing a study on the extent to which budgeting is sensitive to gender needs and in what ways can public finance be an enabler in bringing about gender equity in education. This study is conducted with and suported by National Coalition of Education in India and its member organizations. It is based on analysis of primary and secondary data of selected states. This issue addresses two important SDG objectives of gender equality and empowerment (SDG 5) and quality education for all (SDG4). We are hopeful that the study would be able to inform policies on gender budgeting at the macro level and at the ground level, both for the Centre and the States.
- The Women’s Empowerment in Nutrition Index (WENI): Measuring nutritional empowerment to better link agriculture to nutrition: This is a joint research project under the Innovative Metrics and Methods for Agriculture and Nutrition Actions (IMMANA) grant program involving partners at the University of Texas, Indira Gandhi Institute of Development Research (IGIDR), Mumbai and the Collaborative Research and Dissemination (CORD), Delhi. This project seeks to advance the understanding of the role of women’s empowerment in mediating the relationship between agriculture and nutrition. Our approach is to combine qualitative data collection and household surveys in three sites: one in Bangladesh and two in India. The data was used to develop a new index, the Women’s Empowerment in Nutrition Index (WENI), a robust metric that will aggregate factors that reflect nutritional empowerment across rural agricultural contexts. The CORD contributes to the design, data gathering and synthesis, and analysis stages of the project. The research study was conducted from September 2015 – February 2019, followed by ongoing publications and other outputs.
- Learning Outcomes and Teacher Effectiveness for Children Facing Multiple Disadvantages, Including Those with Disabilities: India and Pakistan. This is a three-year collaborative research project with University of Cambridge and Institute of Development and Economic Alternatives (IDEAS), Pakistan. The project is supported by a grant from Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC) /Department for International Development (DFID).
- The Right to Education and the Emergence of Non-state Actors: The Case of India. CORD is collaborating with Dr Prachi Srivastava of the University of Western Ontario for this research. The research is being supported by the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council.
Improving data systems for effective inclusion of CWDs: examining collection, compilation, analysis, quality and use of data on CWDs at state and national level (2017)
Sponsor: UNESCO
CORD undertook research on the thematic area of improving data systems as part of the project ‘Promoting the Rights of Disabled Children to Quality Education’ under the UN Partnership to Promote the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (UNPRPD).
Harmonizing the Definitions of Out Of School Children in India (OOSCI) (2016-17)
Sponsor: UIS
The South Asia regional study in 2014, prepared as part of the Global Initiative on Out-of-School-Children (OOSCI) initiated by UNICEF and the UNESCO Institute for Statistics (UIS) in 2010, states that South Asia is facing challenges with the high number of children being denied schooling.
Situational Analysis of Secondary Education in Maharashtra & Development of State Action Plan (2015-16)
Sponsor: UNICEF
CORD entered into a collaboration project with UNICEF Maharashtra to conduct a Situational Analysis of Secondary Education in Maharashtra. The objectives of the proposed partnership were to analyse the trends and variations that exist in secondary education, using primary and secondary data, and to identify the major strengths and weaknesses. The aim was to primarily assess the preparedness of existing State-level structures that are meant to serve the needs of secondary school students. The challenges faced by children in the relevant age group (14 to 18 years) in accessing and completing secondary education were also explored. The research was conducted from January 2015 to April 2016.
Collaboration with Edulever Consulting Company to provide technical expertise (2014-15)
Sponsor: Edulever Consulting Company Private Limited
CORD has entered into collaboration for one year from 2014 with Edulever Consulting Company Private Limited to provide technical expertise on research projects on the components such as Research Design, Research Methodology, Sampling Technique and Research Tools.
Process documentation of ICICI Foundation for Inclusive Growth (IFIG)’s School and Teacher Education Reform Programme in Rajasthan (2014-15)
Sponsor: ICICI Foundation for Inclusive Growth (IFIG)
CORD documented this education reform initiative of the foundation whereby IFIG was partnering the government of Rajasthan towards improving certain aspects of teacher education and making 50 schools RTE compliant.
Leadership in Practice: A Study of Women’s Leadership in Rural Organisations in India (2013-14)
Sponsor: Sadhbhavna Trust
This quantitative study by CORD was a part of a larger collaborative study conducted by Sadhbhavna Trust and Gender at Work, in Uttar Pradesh, Rajasthan and Uttarakhand.
Process Evaluation of the Haryana Government’s Apni Beti Apna Dhan (ABAD) Programme (2012-14)
Sponsor: ICRW
This research was conducted in three districts in Haryana between September 2012 and May 2013. CORD worked in collaboration with the International Center for Research on Women (ICRW), India.
Global Initiative on Out of School Children– A Situational Study in India report released on August 29, 2014 at NUEPA (2011-14)
Sponsor: UNICEF
CORD worked in collaboration with UNICEF on “Global Initiative on Out of School Children- A Situational Study in India”. The project was for three years, from 2011 to 2014. The report was released at the data technical consultation meeting on August 29, 2014 at the National University of Educational Planning and Administration (NEUPA).
Out of School Children: A Country Report on Statistical Systems, Profiles, Barriers and Policies (2011-14)
Sponsor: UNICEF
The specific objectives were to prepare a country report on the status of administrative and household based statistical system on school education with special focus on measuring OOSC at various levels and types of disaggregation.
Baseline Survey of Elementary Education in Bihar and UP (2011-13)
Sponsor: NCPCR
This study proposes a survey on RTE implementation to give a comprehensive picture of the state of elementary education and the degree of compliance with RTE requirements in Bihar and UP in 2011, two years after the RTE has been notified in UP and Bihar.
A paper on ‘Feminisation of the Teaching Profession’ with a focus on Kerala and Rajasthan (2011-13)
Sponsor: UNESCO
The study was led by a researcher in the UK. The scope of the study included one country from each region of the Commonwealth. India was one of the selected countries and CORD was commissioned to write a paper with particular focus on the states of Kerala and Rajasthan.
CORD partnered UNESCO in a ‘State-level consultation on Teacher Development’ in Madhya Pradesh (2011-13)
Sponsor: UNESCO
These State-level consultations were an attempt to take forward the international conferences on teacher development – pre-service and in-service training in particular – that were held in Udaipur, Delhi and Bhubaneshwar between 2009 and 2013.
Baseline Survey – International Best Practice Exchange Leading to Innovation in SSA (2011-13)
Sponsor: Save the Children Fund, EU
Save the Children initiated a three-year intervention to support the Government of India in achieving the quality targets of the SSA through an exchange of international best practices.
Probe Report on Health (2005-13)
Sponsor: IDRC
Public Report on Health (PRoH) was a five-year project divided into three phases. The objective in the first two phases was to explore the diversity of health needs and the changes in them that have occurred over time, and map these against the facilities and services offered by the public healthcare system. The third phase involved dissemination of the findings of the research. The research was conducted in Tamil Nadu, Maharashtra, Himachal Pradesh, Uttar Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh and Orissa.
Privatization and Education for Disadvantaged Groups in India (2011-12)
Sponsor: SOROS Open Societies Institute
The study was designed as an instrumental case study to gain insight into the process of institutional mediation and policy implementation and the social implications of delivering basic education to disadvantaged groups in privatized contexts in Delhi.
Marginalization and Education: Children in Inter-state Border Areas (2009-11)
Sponsor: New Education Group – Foundation for Innovation and Research in Education (NEG-FIRE)
The study examined the schooling experience of a child in the under-fourteen age group, living in a remote, difficult-to-reach, and frequently-troubled area on the border of a state, far from the administrative centers of power, with the state itself often economically and educationally poorly developed.
Research Consortium on Educational Outcomes and Poverty (RECOUP) (2007-11)
Sponsor: DFID UK
RECOUP was a five-year multi-disciplinary research project on the outcomes of education for the poor. The project was part of a research project consortium of 7 institutions. The research was conducted in Ghana, Kenya, India and Pakistan. The lead partner of the consortium was the Centre for Commonwealth Education, University of Cambridge. CORD conducted the Indian segment of the research which was done in the states of Madhya Pradesh and Rajasthan.
Teacher stories (2007-08)
Sponsor: Sir Ratan Tata Trust
In collaboration with Deepak Verma, film-maker based in Delhi. this was an audio-video documentation of the life and work of two innovative teachers within the government school system who work in two areas that are far away from the mainstream, with very low parental motivation and no reward for teaching well. These films have been shared with a wide range of teachers, educators and teaching institutions.
PROBE Revisited (2006)
Sponsor: IDRC, Canada
PROBE Revisited was a field-based study of the schooling situation in rural India, conducted exactly 10 years after the PROBE survey was conducted. The research was conducted in largely the same villages as in the PROBE sample, randomly-selected in the states of Bihar, Madhya Pradesh, Jharkhand, Himachal Pradesh, Rajasthan, Uttar Pradesh and Uttarakhand. The focus was expanded from primary to elementary schooling.
Field based study of the midday meals programme in MCD primary schools (2005)
Sponsor: Sir Ratan Tata Trust
The study looked at the cooked midday meal programme in schools run by the Municipal Corporation of Delhi – right from when the grain leaves the godowns of the FCI to when it comes in its cooked form to the school and is delivered to the children.
Schooling and work in the lives of adolescents (1999-2004)
Sponsor: DIFD
This project was based on the schooling experiences and the work done by adolescents in sample sites in Rajasthan, Delhi and West Bengal. It included a detailed survey of upper primary and secondary schools in the sample districts. The project was housed at the Institute for Human Development. The findings have been presented in a number of forums and are presently being prepared for publication as a monograph
Desk study on ‘Strategies for Elimination of Child Labour’ (2002)
Sponsor: ILO
The study looked at schooling strategies employed by different NGOs and government agencies to bring schooling to different groups of disadvantaged children, including those working in hazardous industries as child labour.
Case Studies: Private Schools and Universal Elementary Education. Part 2 – A Field Survey (2000-2001)
Sponsor: MHRD / World Bank
This was a follow-up of the desk study of private schools (Part I). This was a field-based study on private schools for the disadvantaged in one district each in the states of Rajasthan, Uttar Pradesh and Haryana. An abridged version of it formed a WB technical paper. The findings were also published as a paper in Economic and Political Weekly, no 52, December, 2002. Private schooling for the disadvantaged.
Translation of the PROBE report into Hindi (1999-2000)
Sponsor: Save the Children Fund / DFID
Published by Oxford University Press in 2001.
Desk study on ‘Primary Education in Himachal Pradesh: examining a success story’ (1999)
Commissioned by NIEPA-UNESCO in connection with the country report which was presented at the EFA Conference in Dakar, 2000. Published in India Education Report,edited by Dr Govinda, OUP, 2002.
Desk study on ‘Private Schools and Universal Elementary Education’ Part I (1999)
As above. In collaboration with Manabi Majumdar, then of MIDS, Chennai. Published in India Education Report,edited by Dr Govinda, OUP, 2002.