Papers Presented
- Anuradha De: Presentation on “Learning Outcomes of Children from Disadvantaged families” on 9 March 2018, REAL Centre at University of Cambridge.
- Meera Samson: Findings from the TEACh study at the University of Oxford’s UKFIET Conference on ‘Learning and Teaching for Sustainable Development: Curriculum, Cognition and Context’ on 5 September 2017.
- Anuradha De: Presentation on ‘Schooling Lives of Children With Disability: Insights from Households and Schools in Haryana’ at the Education and Children with Disabilities workshop organised by the Amar Jyoti Charitable Trust in August 2017
- Anuradha De: Presentation on “Impact of Education Data on Policy: Some General Concerns”, at a seminar “The Numbers Game: A look beneath the surface – A seminar on education data and policy” organized by Centre for Policy Research at India International Centre, New Delhi on August 19, 2015
- Claire Noronha: Presentation on “Private Schooling And Education Of The Poor In Delhi”, organized by Ambedkar University, New Delhi based on the study with Prachi Srivastava (University of Ottawa) on 20th March 2015 in Ambedkar Unversity, New Delhi
- Meera Samson and Anuradha De: Presentation on “Women Teachers in India” at the “International Colloquium on Women Leadership in School Education”, organized by NCSL- NUEPA, New Delhi and University of Edinburgh, United Kingdom, in Delhi on 12-13 February 2015.
- Anuradha De: Presentation on “India Study of OOSC: Key Bottlenecks and Barriers” at Capacity Development Workshop on Programming for Equity in Education organized by UNICEF in Delhi on 2-3 July 2014.
- Meera Samso: Presentation on SSA- India’s flagship program for universalizing elementary education” at a workshop on sharing promising education for all (EFA) practices in Asia – Pacific organized by UNESCO on 30th June 2014 at Bangkok, Thailand.
- Meera Samson: Presentation at the National Seminar on ‘Addressing Equity Issues in Education’, held in New Delhi on 29-31 January 2014. The presentation, “Barriers to Achieving Equity in our Education System”, is based on a set of studies on education provisions for children living in the inter-state border areas of Andhra Pradesh-Orissa (2010) and Bihar-Jharkhand (2011). The studies were commissioned by NEG-FIRE, New Delhi, and conducted by CORD in collaboration with partners of NEG-FIRE.
- Anuradha De and Tanuka Endow presented, as resource persons, at the UNICEF-ILO-TISS Child Labour and Education Training Workshop held in Mumbai on 20-22 February 2013. Their presentation, “Combatting Child Labour through Education: Issues of Identification, focuses on the challenges of profiling and estimating children out of school, and those engaged in labour”, and offers some insights into possible ways to combat these challenges.
- Arpita Chakraborty: Presentation on “Labour Market Outcomes of Education”, 52nd Annual Conference of the Indian Society of Labour Economics (ISLE), at Dharwad, Karnataka, 17-19 December 2013,
- Rajeev Kumar and Sabina Alkire presented “Comparing Multidimensional Poverty and Consumption Poverty based on a Primary Survey in India” at the research workshop Dynamic Comparison between Multidimensional Poverty and Monetary Poverty at Oxford Department of International Development on 21-22 November, 2012
- Claire Noronha and Prachi Srivastava: Presentation on “The Right to Education Act in India and Private Schooling: A Case Study in Delhi”,at the Regional Conference on Globalization, Regionalisation and Privatisation in and of Education in Asia, organised by Privatisation in Education Research Initiative (PERI) and OSF-ESP, Kathmandu, Nepal, 28-29 September 2012
- Claire Noronha, Tanuka Endow and Neeru Sood: Presentation on Mobility Through Education and Skills Training, at the ‘International Conference on Access, Transitions and Equity in School Education, Making Rights Realities’, organised by National University of Education Planning and Administration (NUEPA) February 22-23rd 2011 at the India Habitat Center, Delhi.
- Anuradha De, Geeta Kingdon and Rajeev Kumar: Presentation on “Labour Market Outcomes of Education and Cognitive Skills’, at the “International Conference on Access, Transitions and Equity in School Education, Making Rights Realities”, organised by National University of Education Planning and Administration (NUEPA) February 22-23rd 2011 at the India Habitat Center, Delhi.
- Arpita Chakraborty: Presentation on “Impact of Education on Child Health and Fertility Decisions: Findings from a Household Survey in Madhya Pradesh and Rajasthan”, Global Conclave of Young Scholars of Indian Education, organized by NUEPA, Delhi, 27-29 January 2011,
- “Opportunities for Girls’ Schooling in Rural Communities in Rajasthan and West Bengal”, Symposium on Gender Equality and Education, HDCA Annual Conference, New Delhi, 10-13 September 2008.
- “The strengths and limitations of selected school education statistics: some observations”, National Seminar on School Education Statistics organized by NUEPA, New Delhi, March 2008.
- “School Community Linkages: Empirical evidence from a survey of north Indian states”, National Seminar on Community and School Linkages: Principles and Practices, NUEPA, 17-19 March 2008.
- Qualitative studies in the north”: Workshop with IDRC and ISST, 25 February 2008.
- “PROBE Revisited: A field-based study on elementary education”: Workshop with IDRC and Institute of Social Studies Trust (ISST), 25 February 2008.
- “Schooling, marriage and fertility for poor women in urban and rural north India: Preliminary results from Alwar and Dewas”: IAWS, Silver Jubilee and 12th National Conference on Feminism, Education and the Transformation of Knowledges, Lucknow, 7-10 February 2008.
- “PROBE Revisited: Primary education 1996-2006”: Indian Association of Women’s Studies (IAWS), Silver Jubilee and 12th National Conference on Feminism, Education and the Transformation of Knowledges, Lucknow, 7-10 February 2008.
- “Building unequal capabilities among adolescents: A gendered experience”, 8th International Conference on Asian Youth and Childhoods 2007, Indian Sociological Association, Lucknow, 22-24 November 2007.
- “Schooling, transitions and reproductive citizenship for poor people in urban and rural north India: Preliminary results from Alwar and Dewas”, UKFIET international conference on Going for Growth? School, Community, Economy, Nation Oxford, 11-13 September 2007.
- “Public Expenditure on Education in India: Recent Trends and Outcomes”, UKFIET international conference on Going for Growth? School, Community, Economy, Nation Oxford, 11-13 September 2007.
- “Building unequal capabilities: Schooling of Delhi’s adolescents”, UKFIET International Conference Going for Growth? School, Community, Economy, Nation, Oxford, 11-13 September 2007.
- “PROBE Revisited: A new field-based study of elementary education in 2006”, GB Pant Institute in Allahabad, May 2007.
- “Himachal Pradesh: Mid-term assessment of Education for All in India“, NUEPA, New Delhi, 25 April 2007.
- “PROBE Revisited: A new field-based study of elementary education in 2006”, Workshop conducted by the Kolkata Group, Kolkata, 13 February 2007.
Anuradha De: Presentation on “Learning Outcomes of Children from Disadvantaged families” on 9 March 2018, REAL Centre at University of Cambridge.
Meera Samson: Findings from the TEACh study at the University of Oxford’s UKFIET Conference on ‘Learning and Teaching for Sustainable Development: Curriculum, Cognition and Context’ on 5 September 2017.
Anuradha De: Presentation on ‘Schooling Lives of Children With Disability: Insights from Households and Schools in Haryana’ at the Education and Children with Disabilities workshop organised by the Amar Jyoti Charitable Trust in August 2017
Anuradha De: Presentation on “Impact of Education Data on Policy: Some General Concerns”, at a seminar “The Numbers Game: A look beneath the surface – A seminar on education data and policy” organized by Centre for Policy Research at India International Centre, New Delhi on August 19, 2015
Claire Noronha: Presentation on “Private Schooling And Education Of The Poor In Delhi”, organized by Ambedkar University, New Delhi based on the study with Prachi Srivastava (University of Ottawa) on 20th March 2015 in Ambedkar Unversity, New Delhi
Meera Samson and Anuradha De: Presentation on “Women Teachers in India” at the “International Colloquium on Women Leadership in School Education”, organized by NCSL- NUEPA, New Delhi and University of Edinburgh, United Kingdom, in Delhi on 12-13 February 2015.
Anuradha De: Presentation on “India Study of OOSC: Key Bottlenecks and Barriers” at Capacity Development Workshop on Programming for Equity in Education organized by UNICEF in Delhi on 2-3 July 2014.
Meera Samso: Presentation on SSA- India’s flagship program for universalizing elementary education” at a workshop on sharing promising education for all (EFA) practices in Asia – Pacific organized by UNESCO on 30th June 2014 at Bangkok, Thailand.
Meera Samson: Presentation at the National Seminar on ‘Addressing Equity Issues in Education’, held in New Delhi on 29-31 January 2014. The presentation, “Barriers to Achieving Equity in our Education System”, is based on a set of studies on education provisions for children living in the inter-state border areas of Andhra Pradesh-Orissa (2010) and Bihar-Jharkhand (2011). The studies were commissioned by NEG-FIRE, New Delhi, and conducted by CORD in collaboration with partners of NEG-FIRE.
Anuradha De and Tanuka Endow presented, as resource persons, at the UNICEF-ILO-TISS Child Labour and Education Training Workshop held in Mumbai on 20-22 February 2013. Their presentation, “Combatting Child Labour through Education: Issues of Identification, focuses on the challenges of profiling and estimating children out of school, and those engaged in labour”, and offers some insights into possible ways to combat these challenges.
Rajeev Kumar and Sabina Alkire presented “Comparing Multidimensional Poverty and Consumption Poverty based on a Primary Survey in India” at the research workshop Dynamic Comparison between Multidimensional Poverty and Monetary Poverty at Oxford Department of International Development on 21-22 November, 2012
Claire Noronha and Prachi Srivastava: Presentation on “The Right to Education Act in India and Private Schooling: A Case Study in Delhi”,at the Regional Conference on Globalization, Regionalisation and Privatisation in and of Education in Asia, organised by Privatisation in Education Research Initiative (PERI) and OSF-ESP, Kathmandu, Nepal, 28-29 September 2012
Claire Noronha, Tanuka Endow and Neeru Sood: Presentation on Mobility Through Education and Skills Training, at the ‘International Conference on Access, Transitions and Equity in School Education, Making Rights Realities’, organised by National University of Education Planning and Administration (NUEPA) February 22-23rd 2011 at the India Habitat Center, Delhi.
Anuradha De, Geeta Kingdon and Rajeev Kumar: Presentation on “Labour Market Outcomes of Education and Cognitive Skills’, at the “International Conference on Access, Transitions and Equity in School Education, Making Rights Realities”, organised by National University of Education Planning and Administration (NUEPA) February 22-23rd 2011 at the India Habitat Center, Delhi.
Arpita Chakraborty: Presentation on “Impact of Education on Child Health and Fertility Decisions: Findings from a Household Survey in Madhya Pradesh and Rajasthan”, Global Conclave of Young Scholars of Indian Education, organized by NUEPA, Delhi, 27-29 January 2011,
Arpita Chakraborty:: Presentation on “Labour Market Outcomes of Education”, 52nd Annual Conference of the Indian Society of Labour Economics (ISLE), at Dharwad, Karnataka, 17-19 December 2013,
“Opportunities for Girls’ Schooling in Rural Communities in Rajasthan and West Bengal”, Symposium on Gender Equality and Education, HDCA Annual Conference, New Delhi, 10-13 September 2008.
“The strengths and limitations of selected school education statistics: some observations”, National Seminar on School Education Statistics organized by NUEPA, New Delhi, March 2008.
“School Community Linkages: Empirical evidence from a survey of north Indian states”, National Seminar on Community and School Linkages: Principles and Practices, NUEPA, 17-19 March 2008.
Qualitative studies in the north”: Workshop with IDRC and ISST, 25 February 2008.
“PROBE Revisited: A field-based study on elementary education”: Workshop with IDRC and Institute of Social Studies Trust (ISST), 25 February 2008.
“Schooling, marriage and fertility for poor women in urban and rural north India: Preliminary results from Alwar and Dewas”: IAWS, Silver Jubilee and 12th National Conference on Feminism, Education and the Transformation of Knowledges, Lucknow, 7-10 February 2008.
“PROBE Revisited: Primary education 1996-2006”: Indian Association of Women’s Studies (IAWS), Silver Jubilee and 12th National Conference on Feminism, Education and the Transformation of Knowledges, Lucknow, 7-10 February 2008.
“Building unequal capabilities among adolescents: A gendered experience”, 8th International Conference on Asian Youth and Childhoods 2007, Indian Sociological Association, Lucknow, 22-24 November 2007.
“Schooling, transitions and reproductive citizenship for poor people in urban and rural north India: Preliminary results from Alwar and Dewas”, UKFIET international conference on Going for Growth? School, Community, Economy, Nation Oxford, 11-13 September 2007.
“Public Expenditure on Education in India: Recent Trends and Outcomes”, UKFIET international conference on Going for Growth? School, Community, Economy, Nation Oxford, 11-13 September 2007.
“Building unequal capabilities: Schooling of Delhi’s adolescents”, UKFIET International Conference Going for Growth? School, Community, Economy, Nation, Oxford, 11-13 September 2007.
“PROBE Revisited: A new field-based study of elementary education in 2006”, GB Pant Institute in Allahabad, May 2007.
“Himachal Pradesh: Mid-term assessment of Education for All in India“, NUEPA, New Delhi, 25 April 2007.
“PROBE Revisited: A new field-based study of elementary education in 2006”, Workshop conducted by the Kolkata Group, Kolkata, 13 February 2007.